The annual rate of inflation based on all India Wholesale Price Index (WPI) number is (-) 0.92% (Provisional) for the month of April, 2023 (over April, 2022) against 1.34% recorded in March, 2023.
Decline in the rate of inflation in April, 2023 is primarily contributed by fall in prices of basic metals, food products, mineral oils, textiles, non-food articles, chemical & chemical products, rubber & plastic products and paper & paper products. The index numbers and inflation rate for the last three months of all commodities and WPI components are given below:
Major Groups | Feb-23 | Feb-23 | Mar-23(P) | Mar-23(P) | Apr-23 (P) | Apr-23 (P) | |
Weight | Index | Inflation | Index | Inflation | Index | Inflation | |
All Commodities | 100 | 150.9 | 3.85 | 150.9 | 1.34 | 150.9 | -0.92 |
I. Primary Articles | 22.6 | 173.6 | 3.64 | 175.0 | 2.40 | 177.3 | 1.60 |
II. Fuel & Power | 13.2 | 157.6 | 13.96 | 156.8 | 8.96 | 152.6 | 0.93 |
III. Manufactured Products | 64.2 | 141.6 | 1.94 | 141.2 | -0.77 | 141.2 | -2.42 |
Food Index | 24.4 | 171.3 | 2.76 | 172.1 | 2.32 | 173.6 | 0.17 |
2. The month-over-month change in WPI for the month of April 2023 over March, 2023 remained at 0.0%. The monthly change in WPI index for last six-month is summarized below:
All Commodities/Major Groups | Weight | Nov-22 | Dec-22 | Jan-23 | Feb-23 | Mar-23 (P) | Apr-23 (P) |
All Commodities | 100 | -0.26 | -1.31 | 0.13 | 0.13 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
I. Primary Articles | 22.62 | -1.55 | -3.08 | 0.81 | -0.40 | 0.81 | 1.31 |
II. Fuel & Power | 13.15 | 3.04 | -2.95 | -1.52 | 1.29 | -0.51 | -2.68 |
III. Manufactured Products | 64.23 | -0.42 | -0.14 | 0.21 | 0.14 | -0.28 | 0.00 |
Food Index | 24.38 | -1.58 | -2.4 | 0.47 | -0.12 | 0.47 | 0.87 |
- Month over Month Change in Major Groups of WPI:
- Primary Articles (Weight 22.62%):- The index for this major group increased by 1.31% to 177.3 (provisional) in April, 2023 from 175.0 (provisional) for the month of March, 2023. Prices of Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas (3.47%), Minerals (2.30%) and Food Articles (1.45%) increased in April, 2023 as compared to March, 2023. Prices of Non-food Articles (-0.66%) declined in April, 2023 as compared to March, 2023.
- Fuel & Power (Weight 13.15%):- The index for this major group declined by 2.68% to 152.6 (provisional) in April, 2023 from 156.8 (provisional) for the month of March, 2023. Prices of Coal (-0.22%), Electricity (-2.20%) and Mineral Oils (-3.33%) declined in April, 2023 as compared to March, 2023.
- Manufactured Products (Weight 64.23%):- The index for this major group remains unchanged at 141.2 (provisional) in April, 2023. Out of the 22 NIC two-digit groups for Manufactured products, 14 groups that have witnessed increase in prices while 8 groups that have witnessed a decrease in prices. The increase in price is mainly contributed by machinery & equipment; textiles; other transport equipment; computer, electronic & optical products; motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers; pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical & botanical products etc. Some of the groups that have witnessed decrease in prices are chemicals & chemical products; basic metals; food products; fabricated metal products, except machinery & equipment; leather & related products; paper & paper products etc. in April, 2023 as compared to March, 2023.
- WPI Food Index (Weight 24.38%): The Food Index consisting of ‘Food Articles’ from Primary Articles group and ‘Food Product’ from Manufactured Products group have increased from 172.1 in March, 2023 to 173.6 in April, 2023. The year-over-year inflation based on WPI Food Index decreased from 2.32% in March, 2023 to 0.17% in April, 2023.
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