The Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held on 24th April, 2023, inter-alia, has discussed, considered and approved the following agendas:
- Proposal to open new retail stores of the Company under the brand names “KORE” and “EROK” for operating the retail business of mobile phones, its related accessories, consumer durable electronic goods etc. in phased manner in different states of India other than Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh considering various factors like customer base, political stability, government rules and regulations, standard of living, market outlook, logistic & transportation convenience and other conditions as favorable to the Company.
- Acquiring and operating Retail Stores already operated under the Brand Name “SIMRON” of M/s. Simran Enterprise and also to operate the retail business of Consumer Durables and Information Technology products and other electronic business under the Brand Name “SIMRON” together with the business of retail trading of mobiles phones and its related accessories under the existing Brands “KORE” & “EROK” in various states of India.
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