Choice Group has announced its expansion plans in the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP). The group aims to set up offices in every district of the state within the next 2 years, thereby strengthening its presence in the region. The group expects to provide direct and indirect employment opportunities to over 5000 people within the state. Currently, the group has nearly 15 to 18 percent of the total client base from Madhya Pradesh from cities like Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain, Gwalior and Jabalpur.
In Madhya Pradesh , Choice Group plans to grow its revenue by 300% from the state in the coming two years. The organization aims to enhance its reach in Madhya Pradesh from 5 districts to 55 in the next few years.
Choice Group plans to host free financial education camps across all 23000 gram panchayats of the state with an aim to empower masses on the modern day instruments of savings and investments. For this exercise Choice group would be conducting in person free education seminars across the state with certified trainers.
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