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Ambuja Cements declared as ‘Preferred bidder’ for Devalmari Katepalli Limestone Block

Ambuja Cements Limited, part of diversified Adani Group, has been declared as the ‘Preferred bidder’ for the Devalmari Katepalli Limestone Block in an e-auction conducted by the Government of Maharashtra.

The block is situated in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra over an area of ~538 Hectare with estimated limestone resource of ~150 million tonnes having CaO content of more than 42%. The company shall get the statutory licenses and permits related to mining operations to be declared a ‘successful bidder’ and subsequently enter into a ‘Mine Development and Production Agreement (MDPA)’ with Government of Maharashtra to commence the mining operation.

Pursuant to the invitation for bids for grant of mining lease for limestone, bauxite and iron ore minerals and for grant of composite license for bauxite, copper, base metal, manganese ore, iron ore, platinum group elements – nickel – chromium and gold – platinum group elements – nickel – chromium minerals vide NIT dated February 03, 2023, issued by Government of Maharashtra, for auction of 19 major mineral blocks, the forward e-auction of Devalmari Katepalli Limestone Block was held on May 09, 2023. Ambuja Cements submitted the highest Final Price Offer of 7.55% and was thus declared the Preferred Bidder.

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